Acts 12:1-11
When God delivers, he delivers not only from that situation, but the complete expectation of those against us.
Type of expectations:
- Cultural
- Social
- Work
- Health
- Fashion
- Other peoples
- Our own (self-indulging, abasing)
Isaiah 43:1-7
We have God personally defending and looking after us. We are precious in his eyes.
Romans 8:1-2
There is no condemnation (by any one or anything). The Spirit of Life has made us free (from death)
Romans 6:9-11
Death no longer has dominion over Christ, and if we determine ourselves to be alive unto Christ …
Romans 6:17-18
We have been made FREE from sin and become the servants of righteousness.
Romans 8:15
Romans 8:31
We are no longer under bondage, we have been made free and nothing can be against us.
We need to be careful that in our position of freedom we don’t allow pride to creep into our heart and rob us of our position with Christ. Psalms 10:4
Galations 5:1
Galations 5:7-9
Galations 5:16-18
Take warning that we don’t become entangled in a life that will lead to natural expectations. We are encouraged to continue in the things we have learnt and to walk in the Spirit.
Titus 2:11-14
Here we are reminded yet again that we have our salvation by the grace of God. The Holy Spirit teaches us how we should live, what we should do and the things to look for.
John 8:31-32
The truth will make us free
Hebrews 9:11-14
Christ has redeemed us with HIS blood that we should now serve the living God. Our expected end has changed.
1 Peter 1:18-21
Redeemed not with corruptible things, but with the blood of Christ, that our faith and hope might be in Him.
Hebrews 4:1-11
We have been promised true rest, and we need to give this promise of rest true diligence in working towards it, that we do receive it. God has promised us.
Therefore, the more we cease from our OWN works (expectation), the more we enter into his rest (expectation and promise).
Isaiah 55:9
His thoughts are higher than ours. We can remove our own and others expectation from our mind, that we might simply serve God.
Jeremiah 29:11-13
God thinks peace towards us. His thinks to give us an expected end – one of hope, of truth, of rest, of compassion, of joy, of peace …
Titus 3:4-7
A reminder that it wasn’t of anything that we’ve done, but rather by the grace of God that our expectation can be in the hope of eternal life.